I can help you to overcome emotional imbalances to resolve your problems
Call: 01661 824 537 or
Email: george@mindaid.co.uk


Hypno-analysis is used to help patients discover the cause of emotional and psychological problems, a technique which can resolve many issues at the same time, as the object of the analysis is to help you to release from within yourself, emotional anxieties and fears that hold you back.

It is not uncommon during the course of therapy that you may experience “moments of liberating discovery”, whilst others may find the process to be more gradual and progressive. As no two patients are alike it is not possible to predict the exact rate and intensity of emotional release.

Hypno- analysis takes longer than suggestion therapy, with weekly sessions of approximately 1 hour per session, and one can be fairly confident that a release may be obtained within 10 to 12 sessions. We are referring of course to a lasting release, by finding identifying and dealing with the root causes of your emotional problems, as opposed to addressing only the symptoms.

"Hypno-analysis is finding identifying and dealing with the root causes of your emotional problems, as opposed to addressing only the symptoms."

Providing that you are prepared to devote the time and effort to be free of your problem, the use of Hypnosis can dramatically accelerate your treatment, and it is not unusual to achieve similar results in a few weeks, than would be achieved from longer term more conventional analysis over a period of many months or years!